Meet the 2025 Salem Witch Fest Presenters

Rose Aurora
Rose (she/her) is a sorceress and fairy seer specializing in Fairy, Elf, and Troll-related issues & spiritual needs. She is honored to be part of a spiritual lineage of Celtic origin, but is also trained in other spiritual traditions including Trolldom, of which she has apprenticed under Johannes Gårdbäck. Rose may be contacted for readings(scrying & cartomancy), spellwork, scrying coaching, and ongoing mentorship in the magical arts.
Rose Aurora is an Online Presenter

Jeremy Bechelli
Jeremy Bechelli (he/him/Dr) holds a Ph.D. in infectious disease pathology from the University of Texas Medical Branch and an M.S. in microbiology from the University of Rochester. As an Associate Professor of Biology, his research focuses on tick-borne infectious diseases and the genetics of Mandragora. Alongside his academic pursuits, Jeremy has devoted over 20 years to studying European folk magic, with particular emphasis on the traditional witch-lore and magical practices of the British Isles. His interests encompass occult herbalism and folk medicine traditions. Jeremy is also the founder and proprietor of Phytognosis, a business dedicated to plant-based spirituality, offering artisanal incense, ritual oils, and botanical curios. www.phytognosis.com
Jeremy Bechelli is an In-Person Presenter

Dorian Z Bell
Dorian Z Bell (he/him) is a poet, educator, and philosopher of metaphysics raised near the Camp Pendleton Superfund site, currently living near the Solvay Coke and Gas Company Superfund site. He was educated at UC Berkeley, near the US EPA Site 13 Radiological Superfund site, and The University of Chicago, near the Calumet Cluster Superfund site. He is the head of the Truncata Workshop, an interdisciplinary online theory and art seminar. None of the superfunds above have been remediated, though one has been razed to the ground.
Dorian Z. Bell is an Online Presenter

Doctor Beverley
Beverley Smith (she/her) - known in some circles as “Doctor Beverley” - is a mother and a wife, a yogi, a social justice advocate, and a “two-headed conjure doctor” who enjoys living in the mountains in Southern California with her family and her cat. Her interest in the magical arts and conjure spans decades. She specializes in Sangoma-style Bone Reading and intuitive divination. Beverley Smith enjoys West African and Caribbean literature & folklore, and the ancient art of storytelling - both as a listener and a storyteller. She is an old-style Hoodoo Rootworker, an empath, a stained glass mosaic artist, an 8 time Burner (Burning Man participant), an organic gardener, a spoken word performer, and a relentless advocate for racial and restorative justice. Doctor Beverley is available for readings, Rootwork, and spiritual counseling. She can be found at www.DocBev.com where her website is undergoing an overhaul. Reach out at info@DocBev.com
Doctor Beverley is an Online Presenter

Rebecca Beyer
Rebecca Beyer (she/her) is the woman behind the Blood and Spicebush School of Old Craft. She lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina, where she live on a rural community owned land project and teaches traditional witchcraft, foraging, and Appalachian folk medicine. She has written multiple books and love to share about Appalachian plantlore and folk magic on her blog, www.bloodandspicebush.com
Rebecca Beyer is an In-Person Presenter

Vex Blòðstjarna
Vex Blòðstjarna (he/him) is a self-taught occultist and desert hermit for over twenty years, his work focuses on the living and dead animal spirits, as well as the Northern mysteries. His practice ties animism from his surroundings, folkloric legends, practices and from familial roots of Scandinavian hunting rituals. Vex is a Mead Brewer, wild crafter and the primitive theurge and skin carver of Fera Aruspex. Vex is an artist of the bones, hides, stone, roots and flowers of the animal and plant spirits that he venerates. Vex likes fire, exploring the forests and enjoying the company of his four-legged companions.
Vex Blòðstjarna is an Online Presenter

Frankie Castanea
Frankie Castanea (they/them), also known as Chaotic Witch Aunt, is a practicing folk witch, animist, Italian American folk practitioner, and spirit worker. They have been on a journey of reconnection to culture and ancestral practices for almost four years now, They are driven by their ancestors in almost all things they do, sharing their ways of reconnection and reconstruction via Instagram, Youtube, Patreon and more. Frankie runs a small shop of ancestral and folk magic guided wares, believes in the power of the color red, and reads tarot and Italian playing cards professionally at Ritualcravt in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. They are the author of "Spells for Change" and the upcoming book "Ancestral Magic" (2025).
Frankie Castanea is an In-Person Presenter

Emmy C-G
Emmy C-G (she/they) is a queer Puerto Rican Witch, a trauma-informed Tarot and Akashic Records Guide, a Death and creativity Doula, and a storyteller who adores making others feel simultaneously comforted and confronted. Earth Traditions, a Pagan organization, certified her as a death doula in 2015. Emmy holds a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from HRCI and has facilitated conversations around diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism in corporate and creative environments since 2018. She is a devotee of Persephone, Hades, Hekate, and Helios. She chalks up her connection to these deities as a major contributor to her ability to hold individuals and communities through the life, death, and rebirth cycles that allow them to enter into their most authentic lives boldly.
Emmy C-G is an In-Person Presenter

Kamden Cornell
Kamden Cornell (they/he) is a witch and herbalist living in Albuquerque, NM. Theybare the author of The Tameless Path: Unleashing the Power of Invasive Plants in Witchcraft and On Needles and Pins: A Witches' Book of Poppetry and Figure Magic, bith published by Crossed Crow. They also own and run a small witchcraft business, Heart & Vine Apothecary, that sells herbal remedies and ritual goods.
Kamden Cornell is an In-Person Presenter

Stefanos Chelydoreus
Stefanos Chelydoreus (he/him) is a devotional polytheist, witch, mystic, and theologian from Athens, Greece with over 20 years of experience. His practice is centered on Mediterranean polytheism with a focus on ancient Hellenic religion, theurgy, witchcraft, and Greek folk magic. Primarily devoted to Hekate, he is the creator of the Equine Serpent, and writes regularly on polytheistic theology, magic, witchcraft, and polytheistic mysticism.
Stefanos Chelydoreus is an Online Presenter

Dr Alexander Cummins
Dr Alexander Cummins (he/him) is a contemporary cunning-man and historian of magic. His magical specialities are the dead (folk necromancy), divination (geomancy) and the grimoires. His published works include Nazarth: Pillars of Gladness (2022), An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (2020) with Phil Legard, The Starry Rubric (2012), A Book of the Magi: Lore, Prayers, and Spellcraft of the Three Holy Kings (2018) and several chapbooks as well as essays in collections by Three Hands Press, Hadean Press and academic presses such as Palgrave Macmillan. He co-hosts the podcast Radio Free Golgotha, and is a founding editor of Revelore Press’ Folk Necromancy in Transmission series. Dr Cummins’ work, classes, and services can be found at www.alexandercummins.com
Dr Alexander Cummins is an In-Person Presenter

Nick Dickinson
Nick Dickinson (he/she/they/fae) is Headmistress of Circe Academy of witchcraft through The Cauldron Black in Salem MA, and a professional witch and witchcraft educator with over 35 years of experience working with clients and students in both public and private settings. Ordained and initiated in a variety of Mahayana Buddhist Tantric yoga traditions and a teacher of thousands yoga teachers and psychics, his classes and workshops are deeply influenced by the intersection of classical yoga theory and modern witchcraft practice. Operating through a multidimensional animist lens with a focus on Greek folklore, Nick’s content welcomes all traditions at all levels and can be approached in a purely secular way.
Nick Dickinson is an Online Presenter

Jesse Hathaway Diaz
Jesse Hathaway Diaz (he/him/they/them) is a folklorist, artist, performer and independent scholar with a Masters in Performance Studies from NYU. With initiations in several forms of witchcraft from Europe and the Americas, he is also a lifelong student of Mexican curanderismo, an initiated priest of Obatalá in the Lucumí Orisha tradition, and a Tatá Quimbanda. He co-hosts an occult themed podcast called ‘Radio Free Golgotha’, and edits the ‘Folk Necromancy in Transmission’ imprint through Revelore Press. For the better part of two decades, he has been involved with Theatre Group Dzieci, a New York based experimental theatre ensemble which explores theatre and ritual as a way, blending service with self-exploration and performance. Dividing his time between the Bronx and a farm in the Hudson Valley, his artistic and written work navigate the world-as-magic through exploring orality and transmission, decolonialism, ritual theory and praxis, herbalism and healing modalities through private study, apprenticeship, and community involvement. You can find his artistic and written work at www.jessehathawaydiaz.com and his wares at www.signthepact.com
Jesse Hathaway Diaz is an In-Person Presenter

V. Faemana
Animist herbalist, hekatian, Green Witch, Occultist, Marialionza Spiritism practitioner, oracle reader, tobbaco reader, rose healer, cacao facilitator, naturalista, perfumera, musician and artist. Eternal student of the Green Wise and the ancient art of Spagyrics. I'm researcher with a curious heart, always looking for understand the secrets of nature, studying plants and communicating with their Genii in order to learn about them, and share this wisdom with the world. My practice finds its roots in shamanism, walking the path of entheogenic allies, witchcraft, Latin American curanderismo and marialionza spiritism practices. Social media: https://linktr.ee/Vfaemanna
V. Faemanna is an Online Presenter

Dr. Finch
Dr. Finch (she/her) is a traditionally trained conjurer, card reader, and writer. Originally brought to earth after a series of baleful magical experiments, she currently resides in Denton, Texas as the live-in apprentice of Professor Charles Porterfield. A lifelong herbalist, her work with plants is the loamy heart of her craft, anchoring the arcane in the physical.
Dr. Finch is an In-Person Presente

Austin Fuller
Austin Fuller (he/they) is a Folk Witch living in the pine Flats of west-Central Florida, amongst the sea, swamp, and forest. A perfumer, conjuror, diviner, and artist, Austin traffics with spirits at the crossroads, intersecting witchcraft and art. They are the sole operator of BanexBramble on Instagram and banexbramble.com and a cohost on Southern Bramble: A Podcast of Crooked Ways. Austin explores magic and witchcraft through traditional, practical means.
Austin Fuller is an In-Person Presenter

Meredith Graves
Meredith Graves (she/they) is a multimedia artist and writer based in Brooklyn, NY. With past work including time spent as the anchor of MTV News and an Outreach Director at Kickstarter (where she initiated and launched successful fundraising programs specifically for occultural artists), Graves is first and foremost a storyteller, who uses her journalistic and analytic skills alongside her lifelong passion for myth, theater and fairy tales to pluck curious threads from the vast tapestry of occult knowledge. Her work has spanned disciplines and genres ranging from hardcore punk to material culture, political journalism to economics and criminology, all supported by her personal magical practice of over 20 years. When not deep in numinous research, she is a textile artist focused on historical practice, as well as a proud mother of two (yappy little rat dogs from the garbage). This will be her second year presenting at Salem.
Meredith Graves is an In-Person Presenter

Debora Greer
Debora Greer (she/her) was born and raised in a family of Makumbeiros, a Brazilian spiritual tradition born of the forced interaction between enslaved Africans and Native Brazilians, and in some cases, also influenced by European witchcraft. She had the privilege of being initiated by her Godmother Felicia, who was the matriarch of her family for many years and her title within her family is of Cambone or Ekedi. After moving to the United States, Debora, alongside the Spirit Pombagira Gypsy of the Road started the Moon Garden: a virtual place of spiritual studies, oracle readings and community rituals. She believes that shared magic is multiplied magic and loves supporting fellow magical practitioners. Debora loves studying and is constantly looking to deepen her knowledge about the things she loves. She has herbalism, incense making and phytotherapy certifications and is also a gifted tarot and cowrie shells reader. Even though Debora still actively practices Makumba, she also made other Spiritual friends along the way who have enriched her life greatly and is happy to share her knowledge about Them through her classes and private lessons. Debora is totally in love with mushroom foraging and enjoys long nature walks with her life partner. She is a cat person and a dandelion lover.
Debora Greer is an Online Presenter

Kris Gurky
Kris (she/her) is a natural intuitive, and magickal herbal practitioner with Lithuanian and Celtic roots. After a near-death experience, she appreciates the beauty of walking the liminal space between life and death. Kris grew up foraging the New England woods with her Lithuanian grandmother and shares her inherited gifts with a family of healers. She enjoys awakening the inherent knowledge we all possess by teaching herbalism, tarot, and intuitive development workshops worldwide. Kris earned an M.B.A. at Boston University, an M.S. in Herbal Medicine at the American College of Healthcare Sciences in Portland, Oregon, and completed an herbalism apprenticeship at the Boston School of Herbal Studies. She founded Dark Moon Salem. in 2010 and is the creatrix of the Witch City Tarot + Divination Gathering in Salem, MA, a weekend of spiritual alchemy.
Kris Gurky is an In-Person Presenter

Lex Hesperus
Lex Hesperus (he/they) is a queer witch, mystic, writer, and devotee of the sensual, radical, & erotic. As a votary of the divine spark, he is devoted to reweaving sacred relationship and helping others learn to love their fates by engaging with spirit body and soul. His work is spirit-led and historically informed, with a particular focus on ancestral healing, queer spiritualities, and the Orphic tradition. His work been featured in Yahoo! News, Huffington Post, and The Rebis, as well as many podcasts and essay collections.
Lex Hesperus is an In-Person Pres

Jessica Huebner
Jessica Huebner is an Online Presenter

Cory Hutcheson
Cory Thomas Hutcheson (he/him) is a folklorist, university educator, and magical practitioner currently living in the Upland South. He has spent more than a decade as the co-host and author of the New World Witchery podcast and website, producing hundreds of episodes and articles on North American folk magic and witchcraft. He has a doctorate in American Studies from Penn State, with specializations in folklore, ethnography, and religious studies. He is the author of New World Witchery: A Trove of North American Folk Magic (Llewellyn, 2021), Llewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magic (2022), and co-author of Conjuring the Commonplace: A Guide to Everyday Enchantment and Junk Drawer Magic (1000Volt Press, 2023).
Cory Hutcheson is an Online Presenter

Emily Íviðja
Emily Íviðja (they/them) is an artist and a practicing seiðkona. Growing up on a farm in New Hampshire, Emily has spent their entire life interacting with the spirit realm. They are a devotee of Angrboða, the wolf mother of the Norse tradition. They have been studying and practicing seiðr for four years through lived experience and rigorous academic study. Their practice is woven from ancestral teachings, primordial darkness, and a love for the cyclical nature of our world. Day-to-day, Emily can be found in their studio creating ritually-crafted artwork from ethically sourced animal remains for their business ULVWITCH.
Emily Íviðja is an In-Person Presenter

Peter Josephson
Peter Josephson (he/him) has practiced qigong and related forms of energy work for over 20 years, including 5 years spent living in Beijing as a closed-door disciple of the Internal Chinese Martial Arts. He is a necromancer, and practitioner of planetary grimoire magick, cartomancy, and a variety of other occult disciplines. He currently lives in Brooklyn.
Peter Josephson is an In-Person Presenter

Jeanna Kadlec
Jeanna Kadlec (she/her) is the author of HERETIC: A MEMOIR (HarperCollins, 2022) and is the creator of the New York Times featured Substack bestseller Astrology for Writers. She's also a practicing witch, recovering academic, and former evangelical Christian. Her writing has appeared in ELLE, NYLON, O the Oprah Magazine, Allure, Catapult, Literary Hub, Autostraddle, and more. A born and bred Midwesterner, she now lives in New York City.
Jeanna Kadlec is an In-Person Preesnter

Kadmus (he/him) is a professor of philosophy, a writer, teacher, practicing occultists and dedicated pagan. He has taught classes for every year of the Salem Witchcraft and Folklore Festival as well as for the Cauldron Black and the Astro Magia astrological magic conference. His new book, “Learning from Legendary Practitioners: A Necromantic Journey into History, Myth, and the Practice of Magic” will be published by Hadean Press and his previous book "True to the Earth: Pagan Political Theology" was recently released in a second edition.
Kadmus is an In-Person Presenter

B. Key
B. Key (he/him) is a witch and sorcerer focused primarily on those traditions that hunt, find, and hide treasure of all kinds. Guided by saints and invigorated by devils, he works in the crossroads of old world manuals of alchemy and magic and the folk magical practices of the new world.
B. Key is an Online Presenter

Tiffany Lazic
Tiffany Lazic (she/her) (RP, BAA) is a Registered Psychotherapist, Spiritual Director, and Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner with a private practice in individual, couples, and group therapy. She is the founder of the Soul Alchemist Academy offering online courses in personal transformation, energy healing and psychopomps work. She is the author of The Great Work: Self-Knowledge and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year (May 2015), The Noble Art: From Shadow to Essence Through the Wheel of the Year (October 2021), and Psychopomps and the Soul: Traversing Death and Life for Healing and Wholeness (May 2025). Tiffany is an international presenter and retreat facilitator. In 2022, she transplanted her deeply entrenched Canadian roots to the welcoming shores of Anglesey in Wales, a move that fulfilled a lifelong dream.
Tiffany Lazic is an Online Presenter

Loo Ledesma
Loretta "Loo" Ledesma (she/her) - The Death Witch, Loo, founder of The Mile High Conjure Gala and conjuror behind The Death Witch is a Santa Muerte Devotee and practitioner of Conjure. She cultivates a comfortable relationship with spirits of many sorts. Loo approaches the work from the Conjure tradition and a close open relationship with the dead. Loretta walks her spiritual path comfortably with less freely talked about workings and brings deep knowledge and experience to educational conversations and her goods. She is a legacy student of Conjure Man Professor Charles Porterfield. She has learned from and sits at the table with some of the most sought-after teachers and elders in Conjure. You can find more of Loretta’s work at thedeathwitch.black and follow along on Instagram @thedeathwitch.
Loo Ledesma is an In-Person Presenter

Flavio Lopes
Flávio Lopes (he/him) has been a practitioner of Modern Witchcraft for over fifteen years. He is a Gardnerian Wiccan High Priest and leads a coven in São Paulo. An ordained Priest of the Fellowship of Isis, he also directs the Panagia Study Center, where he trains adepts, priests, and priestesses across Brazil. Flávio Lopes holds a degree in Psychology, a Master's in Religious Studies, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the same field; he also serves as a professor in Brazil's first postgraduate program in Thealogy.
Flávio Lopes is an Online Presenter

Sara Mastros
Sara L. Mastros (she/her) is the author of "The Big Book of Magical Incense", "Orphic Hymns Grimoire", "The Sorcery of Solomon: A Guide to the 44 Planetary Pentacles of the Magician King", and the forthcoming "Sefer HaOtot: A Hebrew Book of Seals." Recognized by her peers as a brilliant and original thinker, an engaging and inspiring teacher, a compelling and clever writer, and a generally decent human being, Sara spends a lot of time dreaming, thinking, enchanting, writing, and teaching about witchcraft, magic, and myth. But, her true passion is raising up an army of inspired, educated, empowered witches prepared to weave weird new ways of Being in a world that desperately needs us. Rise up! www.WitchLessons.com
Sara Mastros is an Online Presenter

Moss Matthey
Moss Matthey (he/him) is a German-Welsh Druid, Witch and Folklorist born and raised in the Harz mountains of Germany. He now lives in North Wales and is part of a Welsh language coven. Building his own practice between these two cultures, he spends much of his time researching, and is an author with Llewellyn worldwide.
Moss Matthey is an Online Presenter

Coby Michael
Coby Michael (he/him) is an occult herbalist and magical practitioner specializing in the ritual use of poisonous and psychoactive plants. He studied religion at Arizona State University and has been a folk herbalist since a young age. He owns and operates The Poisoner’s Apothecary, an online shop and educational resource for the poison path. Coby has been blogging since 2016 and is a prolific writer including articles for This Witch Magazine (2020), The Witches' Almanac (2022) and The Poisoner’s Guild (2023). His first book The Poison Path Herbal came out in 2021 with Inner Traditions and Coby recently celebrated the release of his second book The Poison Path Grimoire (Nov 2024). He is also co-author of Leo Witch, part of Llewellyn’s Witch’s Sun Sign Series (2023) and is working on his next book The Poison Path Oracle. He is the founder of Botanica Obscura Conference, an annual gathering of magical plant practitioners from around the world sharing their plant spirit knowledge. He currently resides in St. Petersburg, Fl and travels the country teaching people about plant magic, the poison path, occult herbalism and plant medicine.
Cony Michael is an Online Presenter

Sterling Moon
Sterling Moon (she/her) is a full-time, heels-on-the-ground, tarot reader, psychic medium, folk magician, animal communicator, published author, podcaster, and an educator on the mystical and strange. She is the author of Talking to Spirits: A Modern Medium’s Practical Advice for Spirit Communication, which was published by Llewelyn Books in early 2023. Sterling has been working with clients and teaching professionally since 2013. She started a school called the Sterling Moon Divination Academy in 2021 and has been a teacher with Ritualcravt School since 2017. Sterling spent almost 20 years as a professional advocate for victims and survivors of crime in Wyoming, Minnesota, and Colorado.
Sterling Moon is an In-Person Presente

Micah Abraxas Nilsson
Micah Abraxas Nilsson (she/her) is the co-creator of Al-Kemi, a company making Spagyric and Alchemical extracts of herbs and minerals for healing, meditation, spiritual and magickal practice. She has lectured at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland and Bastyr University in Seattle, as well as at many conferences on entheogens, herbalism, and magic. In her 34 years in this work, her focus has been in connecting directly and deeply with the plant beings, communing with them as both a healing and spiritual path. Weaving together the scientific and initiatic in her teachings, she helps others connect with the green spirit of nature, which surrounds and flows through us all.
Micah Abraxas Nilsson is an Online Presenter

Nay Noordmans
Nay Noordmans (she/her) is an occultist, folklorist, and herbalist haunting the misty and mysterious Lost Coast of California. Consumed by a passion for the folk traditions of the North Sea handed down by her ancestors, the unique flora of her native Southern California, and armed with a library card to the local Theosophical Institute, it’s entirely possible that Nay spent too many of her formative years among stacks of books on religious studies, esotericism, and obscure plant lore. She is delighted to have the opportunity to combine these passions and share them with attendees as part of her presentation at the Salem Witchcraft and Folklore Festival.
Nay Noordmans is an In-Person Presenter

Victor Pachas
Romanistan musician Viktor Pachas
Victor Pachas is an In-Person Presenter

Paul E. Patton
Dr. Paul E. Patton (he/they) holds a PhD from The Ohio State University in Anthropology with a focus on prehistoric populations and paleoethnobotany. He holds a Masters of Science in Environmental Studies and a BA in Classical Civilizations and Anthropology. Patton has conducted fieldwork and research in eastern Africa, Greece, parts of South America, and much of Eastern North America, particularly Appalachia. Patton has numerous publications in regional, national and international journals and books focusing on paleoethnobotany and ancient cultures. In 2021, Patton co-founded the Temple of Dionysos. His current research focuses on pre-Christian Indo-European chthonian cults and deities.
Paul E. Patton is an in-Person Presenter

Nicholas Pearson
With thirty years of experience working with crystals, Nicholas Pearson is among the foremost experts in crystal healing and spirituality today. By combining his extensive background in mineral science with a love of folklore and hands-on experience in healing and occultism, Nicholas provides a practical, down-to-earth approach to working with crystals for healing, magick, and self-transformation. An internationally acclaimed teacher, he offers online and in-person classes around the world. Nicholas is the author of ten books, including Crystal Basics and Flower Essences from the Witch’s Garden. He lives in Orlando, Florida with his husband and photographer extraordinaire.
Nicholas Pearson is an Online Presenter

Katarina Pejovic
Katarina Pejović (she/her) is a PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto. Her SSHRC-funded research examines the legends and grimoires of the sorcerer saint Cyprian of Antioch. In addition to her work on St. Cyprian, she writes on various topics including grimoire history, folk Christianity, Western occultism, and traditions of divination, witchcraft, and magic in Eastern Europe. She has presented at numerous international academic and occult conferences, including at the International Association for Comparative Mythology, Viridis Genii Symposium, and the Magickal Women Conference, and has published with peer-reviewed academic journals and occult publishing houses alike. Her lifelong passion for the unique folklore, sorcery, and spirits of the Balkans forms the roots of her personal praxis; watered by ancestral veneration, enflamed by Quimbanda and dragon-fire, and nourished with an endless curiosity of mystery.
Katarina Pejovic is an Online Presenter

Siri Plouff
Siri Vincent Plouff (they/she) is a Nordic witch, rune reader, and tarot reader based on Anishinaabe and Dakota land, AKA Minneapolis, MN. They are the proprietor of Lore Books and Supplies, a shop specializing in not only deep books and ethical tools for magic but spreading the inspiration witches need to craft a more liberated world. They are the author of “Queering the Runes,” and are teaching a course expanding on the book. Siri teaches and writes about the runes, tarot, and witchcraft.
Siri Plouff is an In-Person Presenter

Professor Charles Porterfield
Professor Charles Porterfield (he/him) is an old-fashioned, no-nonsense, Old Testament reader and rootworker. He writes, teaches, and lectures on hoodoo and conjure to help preserve and pass on the roots of the work as well as consults, prescribes, and divines work for those in need. He currently lives in Denton, Texas with his wife, legacy student, two cats, and a dead dog.
Professor Charles Porterfield is an In-Person Presenter

Siddharth Ramakrishnan
Siddharth Ramakrishnan (he/him), PhD is a neuroscientist, artist, and educator. He is the Chair of Neuroscience and Professor of Biology at the University of Puget Sound and a recipient of the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER award. His research spans developmental biology, neuroendocrinology and neuroethics. A Fellow of the UCLA Art|Sci center, his collaborations with artists have led to exhibitions and documentaries that blend the worlds of art and science highlighting topics like Hox genes, animal umwelts and biomimicry. An avid Tarot reader, he has designed and created the NeuroTarot deck based on the major arcana of Tarot and infused with neuroscience. He was the keynote speaker at NWTS 2023 and a panelist at the Masters of Tarot workshop (2023) with Mary K. Greer at Omega, Rhinebeck NY. His book "The Neuroscience of Tarot", is out now with Llewelyn
Siddharth Ramakrishnana is an Online Presenter

David Rankine
David Rankine (he/him) is an author, esoteric researcher and sorceror who has been practising magic and grimoires for over 45 years. He works as the editor-in-chief for Hadean Press and lives in Spain with his family. In recent decades he is best known for his work on titles like The Grimoire Encyclopaedia, Claves Intelligentarium, The Goetia of Dr Rudd, The Veritable Key of Solomon, Clavis Inferni and The Cunning Man’s Grimoire.
David Rankine is an Online Presente

Sasha Ravitch
​Sasha (she/her) is an author, educator, consultant, and critic on the subjects of Cosmic Horrors (real/imagined), and the ecstatic-grotesque of the body (monster-flesh) in (Oc)culture, Literature, and Film. She professionally consults on aforementioned matters, presents at conferences, and writes film and literary criticism on these subjects. She has been published by Hadean Press, Asteria Press, and with forthcoming fiction in Cosmic Horror Monthly, Bloodletter Magazine, Cursed Morsels, and Neither Fish Nor Foul. When not creating for her Patreon and Substack, or writing reviews for MovieJawn, she teaches The Red Flesh Workshops, is EIC for the zine press antilogos press, and is a Speculative Fiction editor for Lumina Literary Journal.
Sasha Ravitch is an Online Presenter

Mahigan Saint-Pierre
Mahigan Saint-Pierre (they/them) is a French-Canadian folk practitioner with a deep focus on the intersection of magical herbalism, necromancy, and the celestial realm. Haunted by spirits since birth, and raised by a family deeply entrenched in folk-magical practices, Mahigan never questioned the desire to pursue spirit-relationship and sorcery as a means of navigating the world. For over five years, they have offered their services as a full-time witch-for-hire and purveyor of handmade magical goods through their online shop, Kitchen Toad. Mahigan draws on their six years of experience in Geomancy, and over fourteen years of sorcery to provide their community with divination and spellwork regarding all things, from love, career, and finance, to discovering and deepening their own magical practice. Based on their training in classical herbalism and deep knowledge of folklore, they craft and sell various oils, balms, tinctures, candles, powders, and ritual tools catering to the witch and the wicked. They occasionally dip their fingers into the realm of pottery to produce various vessels crafted for ritual use.
Mahigan St. Pierre is an In-Person Presenter

Vincent V. Saint-Roch
Vincent V. Saint-Roch is a spirit worker, diviner, poet, necromancer, and planetary sorcerer. He is the author of three books, the host of the Witchhassle podcast, and formerly the host of Into the Dark (late of Radio Free Brooklyn).
Vincent V. Saint-Roch is an In-Person Presenter

Witch of Salopia
Known in the magical circles as the Witch of Salopia (he/him/they/them), Brett is a devoted folk practitioner, born and raised with the stories, traditions, and magic of the Welsh Marches. He is a workshop leader, public speaker across the UK, and author of an upcoming book on Sabrina: Goddess of the River Severn with Moon Books. Brett is also a regular contributor to several zines and has appeared on both Welsh and Japanese television to share the folklore of his home. He is also a professional pole dance instructor and proud member of both OBOD and the Welsh Coven Cylch y Sarffes Goch.
The Witch of Salopia is an Online Presenter

Sam Savage
Savage (any pronouns) queermudgeon, delightworker, pleasure activist and Good Trouble. Savage is an embodiment specialist, game designer, and storyteller. They aspire to be a NPC Quest Giver, but often find themselves dragged along on adventures, or doing witchy cryptid things in the woods. Savage’s default world background in social work, public health, data design combined with two decades of lived experience in kink, alt sex, queer and spiritual communities blend with a science-minded yet playful approach to all the nerdy passions available. Savage’s certifications in somatic bodywork approaches (somatic experiencing) and psychedelic-assisted interventions are part of a life of curiosity that somehow also finds time for cuddles, writing, making weird art, singing with gusto, and tending the gardens of their friendships and communities.
Sam Savage is an Online Presenter

Albert Björn Shiell
Albert Björn Shiell (he/him) grew up in the shade of the South Downs of Sussex, England. He spent his days there walking ancient chalk hills, full of burial mounds and folklore. Trading it all in 2017 for cold and seemingly desolate Iceland, Albert picked up his life and moved North. He's now lived in Iceland for nearly 10 years. He spends his days walking the land around him, learning and conversing with the many plant and land spirits of Iceland. Focusing now on an animistic framework of Nordic magic combined with the Sussex cunning of his homeland, Albert aims to deliver practical folkloric magic inspired by both his homes. He lives in downtown Reykjavík, in a small apartment surrounded by plants, writing and researching, translating old Icelandic books.
Albert Björn Shiell is an In-Person Preesnter

Benjamin Stimpson
Ben Stimpson, BA (Hons), MBACP (He/They/Them) is an integrative therapist, spiritual director, award winning author, podcaster, and independant scholar of folklore and history. A member of the modern NeoPagan and queer communities, Ben’s personal life helps to inform his professional and research work. Ben holds a BA (Honours) in Medieval, Classical and Religious Studies from the University of Waterloo; a post-graduate Diploma in Spiritual Psychotherapy; and a Diploma in Social Service Work. As a therapist, he excels in working with members of the queer community and other marginalized populations, and ascribes to transpersonal, systemic and narrative approaches to therapy. He is the host of Essence podcast, a weekly show interviewing fellow authors and practitioners in the field of alternative spirituality and therapy. His debut title, Ancestral Whispers: A Guide to Developing Ancestral Veneration Practices was released by Llewellyn Worldwide and won the 2024 Gold Medal at the COVR Awards.
Benjamin Stimpson is an Online Presenter
Ana Vasconcelos
Ana Vasconcelos, Master in History and Gardnerian High Priestess
Ana Vasconcelos is an Online Present

Matthew Venus
Matthew Venus an artist, folk magician, and traditional witch based in Salem, Massachusetts whose practice is informed by a deep heart of animism and a dedication to ancestral traditions. Additionally he is a an Aborisha in the Lucumí Orisha tradition and a Tata Ndenge in a lineage of Quimbanda Nàgô.
Matthew is co-founder of Salem Witch Fest as well as the owner and lead apothecary of Spiritus Arcanum, an online and brick and mortar shop which specializes in handcrafted ritual incenses and oils ,talismanic art, and a diversity of occult wares. Over the past two decades Matthew has been sharing teachings on various aspects of magic with students around the world through classes and courses which explore elements and approaches towards traditional craft and folk magical traditions.
Matthew Venus is an In-Person Presenter

Jezmina Von Thiele
​Jezmina Von Thiele (they/she) is a writer, educator, performer, and fortune-teller in their mixed Sinti Romani tradition​, based in Portsmouth, NH and is a resident reader at Deadwick's Ethereal Emporium. Jezmina deals ​in tarot, palms, and tea leaves, and teaches workshops on divination, spiritual wellness, and the creative arts​ in-person and online (visit jezminavonthiele.com). ​T​hey often tell fortunes and perform poetry with The Poetry Brothel, Boston’s premiere immersive literary event. Jezmina is co-host of Romanistan, a podcast celebrating Romani culture​, available on all podcast platforms and romanistanpodcast.com. ​J​ezmina and Paulina also co-authored, Secrets of Romani Fortune Telling​, a how-to guide to divination that gives cultural context back to these practices. Roma are an Indian diasporic ethnic group, also known by the slur/ misnomer, Gypsies.
Jezmina Von Thiele is an In-Person Presenter

Mandy Wilde
Mandy Wilde (she/her) is a renowned certified Medium, Astrologer and dedicated educator with a unique focus on the radical rituals and education of the often misunderstood shadow aspects of the divine feminine archetypes. Through her intuitive gifts and insights, Mandy has gained recognition for her ability to connect with the spirit world and currents of the divine. Her teachings not only empower individuals to embrace the full spectrum of their being but also foster a deeper connection to the mystical forces that shape our lives. Her commitment to demystifying the esoteric arts makes her a sought-after speaker and mentor, inspiring others to embrace their inner truths and navigate the complexities of the spiritual journey.
Mandy Wilde is an Online Presenter

Leandra Witchwood
Leandra Witchwood (she/her) is a Modern Witch, Priestess, and Master Herbalist who works to empower others to explore their innate magick. Based in South-Central Pennsylvania, she has devoted her life to honoring the Divine Feminine Shadow Work, mastering the art of wortcunning, and guiding seekers toward spiritual and personal growth. In 2011, Leandra founded The Magick Kitchen Blog, which blossomed into a thriving community and one of the top 30 podcasts in the religion and spirituality category. She also hosts The Unbound Priestess Podcast, an immersive journey into personal transformation and spiritual expansion, developed in tandem with The Gardens of the Mystic program. An accomplished author, Leandra has published five books on Witchcraft and shadow work, sharing her decades of wisdom with those eager to deepen their practice. Drawing on her background as a Vitalist Herbalist, she hand-blends loose-leaf teas at The Witchwood Teahouse—infusing each cup with nourishment and a dash of whimsy. A Celtic & Usui Reiki Master and Shadow Work Master, Leandra leads rituals, women’s circles, and workshops that foster a supportive space for self-discovery. Through her Rebel Mystic Community & Academy, she offers training to strengthen personal power and cultivate spiritual resilience. If you feel called to discover new pathways of empowerment and embrace the boundless possibilities of magick, join Leandra on this extraordinary journey. Learn more at https://www.leandrawitchwood.com
Leandra Witchwood is an Online Presenter

Brother Yona
Yona Glickman (he/him) is a conjureman, cartomancer and teacher of Hoodoo & rootwork. Born in a family deeply rooted in spirituality and folk magic allowed him to nurture his natural “gift” & relationship with the spirit realm. Itis the diversity in his mentorship as well as his personal life experiences that gives him a well-rounded and practical perspective to his spiritual workings. As an approachable,“every day man” he prides himself on using the old time tradition of Hoodoo to find solutions for modern day problems. He is highly skilled and well-versed in candle rituals, biblical magic, herbs, curios and creating handcrafted spiritual products. As One ofthe legacy students of Professor Charles Porterfield, promoting strength in others and keeping the tradition alive is his mission. Contact him at (786)586-9215 or @propheticsoulguideinc on instagram
Brother Yona is an In-Person Presenter

Mimi Young
Mimi Young (she/her) is a Taiwanese Canadian animist spirit medium, occult educator, and founder of Ceremonie, an esoteric brand offering psychic readings, spellcraft education, and handcrafted tools rooted in Wuism (å·«)—an ancient Chinese tradition of spirit work. Combining animism, Taoist wisdom, and practical witchcraft with her background in design, communications, and Montessori education, Mimi brings creativity and interdiscipline perspectives to her work, featured in Goop, Vogue, and Harper’s Bazaar, and has spoken at events put on by Salem Witchcraft Festival and Emily Carr University. A published poet and inheritor of Gongfu Tea culture, Mimi is dedicated to decolonizing perspectives, inclusivity, and accessibility in her teaching. Based in Vancouver, Canada, on the traditional lands of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations, she bridges ancient wisdom and modern magical practice to empower seekers worldwide.
Mimi Young is an Online Presenter

Laura Tempest Zakroff
Laura Tempest Zakroff (she/they) is a professional artist, author, performer, and Modern Traditional Witch based in New England. She holds a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and her artwork has received awards and honors worldwide. Her work embodies myth and the esoteric through her drawings and paintings, jewelry, talismans, and other designs. Laura is the author of several bestselling Llewellyn books including Weave the Liminal, Sigil Witchery, Visual Alchemy, and Anatomy of a Witch, as well as the artist and author of the Sigil Witchery Oracle, Anatomy of a Witch Oracle, The Liminal Spirits Oracle. Laura edited The New Aradia: A Witch’s Handbook to Magical Resistance, The Gorgon's Guide to Magical Resistance, and Serpents of Circe: A Manual to Magical Resilience from Revelore Press. Laura is the creative force behind several community events and teaches workshops online and worldwide.
Laura Tempest Zakroff is an In-Person Presenter