The Hidden Hand: Dowsing, Doodlebugging, & Water Witching with Professor Charles Porterfield
Thu, Aug 03
|Online Event
Available as an individual ticket, part of the Thursday Day Pass or General Admission Ticket.

Time & Location
Aug 03, 2023, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
Online Event
About the event
Come learn about the mysterious and secret world of the dowser, the doodlebug, and the water witch. From the dowsing rod to the pendulum, and the common plumb bob Professor Porterfield, an old school dowser himself, will walk you across the grid and show you how to use the Hidden Hand to detect, find, and sniff out that which lies hidden and below.
This to the point class will guide your hand and mind through the world of dowsing and pendulum readings, the Rod of Aaron and the L-Rod. The good Professor will also be speaking on map and remote dowsing and pendulum divination so grab your bobber and join us as we dip the Hidden Hand into the earth.